The Ultimate Sims 4 Cheat Code Guide: Unlock Everything!
The Sims series has captivated players for years, and The Sims 4 is no exception. This life simulation game offers endless possibilities, and to enhance your experience, there’s a wide array of cheat codes available. This guide provides a comprehensive list of the most popular Sims 4 cheats and explains how to activate them.
How to Activate Sims 4 Cheats
Using cheat codes in The Sims 4 is straightforward across all platforms. Here’s how to do it:
Opening the Console Command Box:
The first step is to open the in-game console. Here’s the button combination for each platform:
* PlayStation: R1 + R2 + L1 + L2
* Xbox: LB + LT + RB + RT
* PC: CTRL + Shift + C
* Mac: Command + Shift + C
A text box will appear at the top of your screen.
Enabling Cheats:
Once the console is open, type `testingcheats true` and press Enter. This command enables most of the cheat codes. You will likely see a message confirming that cheats are enabled.
Important Note for Console Users: While most cheat codes work across all platforms, some may be limited due to hardware or software restrictions on consoles.
Top Sims 4 Cheat Codes
Now that you’ve activated cheats, you can use the following codes in the console command box:
| Cheat | Code | Description |
| :—————————————- | :—————————————————– | :—————————————————————————– |
| Add 1,000 Simoleons | `rosebud` or `kaching` | Adds 1,000 Simoleons to your household’s funds. |
| Add 50,000 Simoleons | `motherlode` | Adds 50,000 Simoleons to your household’s funds. |
| Add Specific Amount of Money | `money [amount]` | Sets your household’s funds to the specified amount (e.g., `money 100000`). |
| Free Real Estate | `freerealestate on` | Makes all houses free when moving your Sims. |
| Move Objects Anywhere | `bb.moveobjects on` | Allows you to place objects anywhere, ignoring grid restrictions. |
| Show Hidden Objects | `bb.showhiddenobjects` | Reveals hidden objects in Build Mode. |
| Enable Free Build | `bb.enablefreebuild` | Allows building on locked lots. |
| Full Edit Mode in Create-a-Sim (CAS) | `cas.fulleditmode` | Enables full editing capabilities in CAS, even for existing Sims. |
| Max All Needs | `sims.fill_all_commodities` | Fills all of a Sim’s needs (hunger, energy, etc.) to maximum. |
| Remove All Moodlets | `sims.remove_all_buffs` | Removes all moodlets (buffs) from a Sim. |
| Reset a Sim | `resetSim [First Name] [Last Name]` | Resets a stuck or glitched Sim. |
| Set Sim’s Age | `stats.set_age [Desired Age]` | Change a Sim’s age to a desired number. |
| Toggle Death | `death.toggle false` | Prevents Sims from dying. |
| Kill Sim with Hunger | `sims.add_buff buff_Death_Hunger` | Forces a Sim to die from hunger. |
| Electrocute a Sim | `sims.add_buff buff_Death_Electrocution_Warning` | Gives a Sim the “Electrocution Warning” moodlet, potentially leading to death.|
| Add a Trait | `traits.equip_trait [Trait Name]` | Adds a specific trait to a Sim. |
| Remove a Trait | `traits.remove_trait [Trait Name]` | Removes a specific trait from a Sim. |
| Add a Career | `careers.add_career [Career Name]` | Adds a specific career to a Sim. |
| Remove a Career | `careers.remove_career [Career Name]` | Removes a specific career from a Sim. |
| Promote in Career | `careers.promote [Career Name]` | Promotes a Sim one level in their career. |
| Demote in Career | `careers.demote [Career Name]` | Demotes a Sim one level in their career. |
| Set Skill Level | `stats.set_skill_level [Skill Name] [Level]` | Sets a Sim’s skill level (1-10). E.g., `stats.set_skill_level Major_Painting 10`|
| Modify Friendship Level | `modifyrelationship [Sim Name] [Other Sim Name] [Value] LTR_Friendship_Main` | Changes the friendship level between two Sims. |
| Modify Romance Level | `modifyrelationship [Sim Name] [Other Sim Name] [Value] LTR_Romance_Main` | Changes the romance level between two Sims. |
| Fill Bladder Need | `fillmotive motive_Bladder` | Fills a Sim’s bladder need. |
| Fill Hunger Need | `fillmotive motive_Hunger` | Fills a Sim’s hunger need. |
| Fill Energy Need | `fillmotive motive_Energy` | Fills a Sim’s energy need. |
| Fill Fun Need | `fillmotive motive_Fun` | Fills a Sim’s fun need. |
| Unlock Career Reward Objects | `bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement` | Unlocks all career reward objects in Build Mode. |
| Summon Lightning Strike | `weather.summon.lightning_strike` | Summons a lightning strike |
| Advance Time | `clock.advance_game_time [Hours]` | Advances the game time by the specified number of hours. |
| Spawn a Sim | `sims.spawn` | Creates a new, random Sim in your game. |
| Teleport Sim | `sims.gohere` | Click on a location and type this cheat for your selected Sim to teleport. |
| Hide Headline Effects | `headlineeffects off` | Hides plumbobs and other headline effects. |
| Spawn Multiple Sims | `sims.spawnsimple [Number]` | Creates the specified number of new, random Sims in your game. |
| Autopay Bills | `households.autopay_bills` | Automatically pays the households Bills. |
| Get Sim ID | `sims.get_sim_id_by_name [First Name] [Last Name]` | Returns the Sim ID of a specified sim. |
| Force Offspring Count | `pregnancy.force_offspring_count [SimID] [Number of Babies]` | Sets the number of offspring the pregnant Sim will have. |
| Move to Trimester | `sims.add_buff_Pregnancy_Trimester[1-3]` | Set’s the pregnancy Trimester. |
| Triplets | `pregnancy.force_offspring_count [SimID] 3` | Forces the Sim to have triplets. |
| Twins | `pregnancy.force_offspring_count [SimID] 2` | Forces the Sim to have twins. |
| Turn Sim into a Ghost | `sims.add_buff Ghostly` | Transforms a Sim to be Ghostly for a short time. |
| Summer Season | `season.set_season 0` | Switch to summer season. |
| Fall Season | `season.set_season 1` | Switch to fall season. |
| Winter Season | `season.set_season 2` | Switch to winter season. |
| Spring Season | `season.set_season 3` | Switch to spring season. |
These are just some of the most popular and useful Sims 4 cheat codes. Experiment with different combinations to tailor your gameplay experience.
How to Disable Cheats
If you want to turn off cheats, type `testingcheats false` into the console and press Enter. This will disable many of the cheats you’ve activated. Additionally, restarting the game will often reset most cheat effects.
Important Considerations:
* Be aware that using cheats can potentially affect your game’s stability or save files.
* It’s always a good idea to back up your save files before using cheats, especially if you’re unsure of the effects.
* Some achievements may be disabled when cheats are active.
We hope this guide has been helpful! Enjoy experimenting with these Sims 4 cheat codes to create your perfect Sims world!