Subnautica Cheat Codes: Your Ultimate Guide to Survival
Subnautica throws you onto an alien ocean planet where survival and exploration are key. The game’s immersive world can be challenging, so we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide to help you conquer the depths with Subnautica cheat codes!
# How to Enter Subnautica Cheat Codes
Activating cheats involves using the game’s console panel. Here’s how to access it on different platforms:
* PC: Press “Shift + Enter” simultaneously. A console will appear at the bottom left of your screen.
* Xbox: Press “LB + RB + A” simultaneously. A panel with an on-screen keyboard will appear.
* PlayStation: Press “L1 + R1 + X” simultaneously. A panel with an on-screen keyboard will appear.
Now you’re ready to input the cheat codes below!
# Subnautica Cheat Codes List
These cheat codes work on both PC and consoles, giving you various advantages from infinite resources to god mode.
| Cheat Code | Description |
| —————————– | —————————————————- |
| `nocost` | Craft items without needing materials. |
| `fastbuild` | Increases construction speed. |
| `unlockall` | Unlocks all blueprints. |
| `oxygen` | Grants infinite oxygen. |
| `invisible` | Makes you invisible to creatures. |
| `radiation` | Toggles radiation on/off. |
| `speed x` | Changes movement speed (replace x with a number). |
| `day` | Sets the time to daytime. |
| `night` | Sets the time to nighttime. |
| `daynightspeed x` | Changes the speed of the day/night cycle (x = number). |
| `weather on/off` | Toggles weather effects. |
| `kill` | Kills the player. |
| `killall` | Kills all creatures. |
| `clearinventory` | Clears your inventory. |
| `spawn [item] [quantity]` | Spawns the specified item. Example: `spawn diamond 5` |
| `spawn seamoth` | Spawns a Seamoth. |
| `spawn exosuit` | Spawns a Prawn Suit. |
| `spawn cyclops` | Spawns a Cyclops submarine. |
| `destroycyclops` | Destroys all Cyclops submarines on the map. |
| `seaglide` | Spawns a Seaglide. |
| `vehicleupgrades` | Unlocks vehicle upgrade console. |
| `cyclopsupgrades` | Unlocks all Cyclops upgrades. |
| `seamothupgrades` | Unlocks all Seamoth upgrades. |
| `exosuitupgrades` | Unlocks all Prawn Suit upgrades. |
| `warp [x] [y] [z]` | Teleports you to the specified coordinates. |
| `warpforward x` | Teleports you forward (x = distance). |
| `randomstart` | Sets a random starting location. |
| `resetgame` | Resets the game. |
| `startsunbeamstoryevent` | Starts the Sunbeam story event. |
| `sunbeamcountdownstart` | Starts the Sunbeam countdown. |
| `countdownship` | Starts Aurora’s explosion countdown. |
| `explodeship` | Explodes the Aurora. |
| `fixleaks` | Fixes radiation leaks on the Aurora. |
| `cleardebris` | Clears debris and wrecks. |
| `spawnloot` | Spawns loot. |
| `tools loot` | Spawns weapon-focused equipment. |
| `madloot` | Spawns equipment and materials. |
| `dig x` | Digs the terrain (x = depth). |
| `resourcesfor x` | Adds materials needed to craft item ‘x’. Ex: `resourcesfor knife` |
| `filterwater` | Adds filtered water to your inventory. |
| `cure` | Cures your character of infection. |
| `infect` | Infects your character. |
| `spawn reaperleviathan` | Spawns a Reaper Leviathan. |
| `sub escape pod` | Spawns an Escape Pod. |
| `damage x` | Damages the player (x = amount). |
| `instagib` | One-hit kill mode for everyone. |
| `unlockdoors` | Unlocks all doors except those in Murtle’s base. |
| `nosurvival` | Disables hunger and thirst. |
| `noenergy` | Disables energy consumption for vehicles. |
| `fog` | Toggles fog effects. |
| `fps` | Shows the game’s FPS. |
| `fly` | Allows the player to fly. |
# Do Subnautica Cheat Codes Disable Achievements?
Yes, using cheat codes in a Subnautica session will disable achievements for that save. The game directly saves the information related to using cheats. It is highly recommended that you create a backup of your save file before activating cheats or use a separate save game for cheating to preserve your ability to unlock achievements.
We hope this Subnautica cheat code guide helps you enjoy the game! Stay tuned for more helpful guides and content!