Subnautica Cheat Codes: Your Ultimate Guide to Survival
Dive into the world of Subnautica, a mesmerizing underwater adventure where you explore and survive on an alien ocean planet. Facing challenges? We’ve got you covered! This guide provides all the Subnautica cheat codes you need to enhance your gameplay.
# How to Enter Subnautica Cheat Codes
To use these codes, you’ll need to access the in-game console. Here’s how:
* PC: Press “Shift + Enter” simultaneously. A console window will appear in the lower-left corner of your screen.
* Xbox: Press “LB + RB + A” simultaneously. A console window with an on-screen keyboard will appear.
* PlayStation: Press “L1 + R1 + X” simultaneously. A console window with an on-screen keyboard will appear.
Now, simply type the cheat code and press Enter to activate it!
# Subnautica Cheat Code List
Here’s a comprehensive list of Subnautica cheat codes for both PC and consoles:
| Cheat Code | Description |
| ——————————– | ————————————————————– |
| nocost | Build without requiring materials. |
| fastbuild | Significantly increases construction speed. |
| unlockall | Unlocks all blueprints. |
| oxygen | Provides unlimited oxygen. |
| invisible | Makes you invisible to creatures. |
| radiation | Toggles radiation on or off. |
| speed x (replace x with a number) | Changes movement speed. |
| day | Sets the time to day. |
| night | Sets the time to night. |
| daynightspeed x (replace x) | Changes the speed of the day/night cycle. |
| weather on/off | Toggles weather effects. |
| kill | Kills your character. |
| killall | Kills all creatures in the area. |
| clearinventory | Clears your entire inventory. |
| spawn [item] [quantity] | Spawns the specified item in the desired quantity. (e.g., spawn diamond 5) |
| spawn seamoth | Spawns a Seamoth. |
| spawn exosuit | Spawns a Prawn Suit. |
| spawn cyclops | Spawns a Cyclops submarine. |
| destroycyclops | Destroys all Cyclops submarines in the world. |
| seaglide | Spawns a Seaglide. |
| vehicleupgrades | Unlocks all vehicle upgrade modules. |
| cyclopsupgrades | Unlocks all Cyclops upgrade modules. |
| seamothupgrades | Unlocks all Seamoth upgrade modules. |
| exosuitupgrades | Unlocks all Exosuit upgrade modules. |
| warp [x] [y] [z] | Teleports you to the specified coordinates. |
| warpforward x (replace x) | Teleports you forward by the specified distance. |
| randomstart | Starts the game at a random location. |
| resetgame | Resets the game to the beginning. |
| startsunbeamstoryevent | Starts the Sunbeam story event. |
| sunbeamcountdownstart | Starts the Sunbeam countdown. |
| countdownship | Starts the Aurora explosion countdown. |
| explodeship | Causes the Aurora to explode. |
| fixleaks | Fixes radiation leaks in the Aurora. |
| cleardebris | Removes debris and wreckage. |
| spawnloot | Spawns random loot. |
| tools loot | Spawns tools and weapon-related items. |
| madloot | Spawns random equipment and materials. |
| dig x (replace x) | Digs the terrain to the specified depth (in meters). |
| resourcesfor [item] | Gives you the resources needed to craft the specified item. (e.g., resourcesfor knife) |
| filterwater | Adds Filtered Water to your inventory. |
| cure | Cures your character from any infections. |
| infect | Infects your character. |
| spawn reaperleviathan | Spawns a Reaper Leviathan. |
| sub escape pod | Spawns an Escape Pod. |
| damage x (replace x) | Inflicts a specific amount of damage on your character. |
| instagib | One-hit kills for everyone, including you. |
| unlockdoors | Unlocks all doors (except those requiring the Mürü key). |
| nosurvival | Disables hunger and thirst. |
| noenergy | Disables energy consumption for vehicles and equipment. |
| fog | Toggles fog on or off. |
| fps | Displays the current frames per second (FPS). |
| fly | Enables flying. |
# Do Subnautica Cheat Codes Disable Achievements?
Yes, using cheat codes in a Subnautica session will disable achievements for that session. Cheat codes are directly saved into the game’s save file. To avoid this, we highly recommend creating a backup of your save file or starting a new save specifically for using cheats.
We hope this Subnautica cheat code guide helps you explore and survive the depths! Check back for more gaming tips and guides. Join our community and share your Subnautica experiences!