Best Sims 4 Cheats

# Sims 4 Cheats: The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Your Game

The Sims series has been a long-standing favorite in the gaming world, and for good reason. This life simulation game is considered by many to be the best in its genre. Millions of players enjoy the game, and it’s packed with cheat codes that can give your Sims all sorts of advantages (or disadvantages!). Today, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide to Sims 4 cheats.

How to Activate Sims 4 Cheats

Sims 4 offers a wide variety of cheat codes that can alter gameplay. To activate them, you’ll need to follow a few simple steps. The good news is that these cheats can be used on all platforms. The first step is always to open the console panel and enable cheats.

# Opening the Sims 4 Console and Enabling Cheats

To use cheat codes, you first need to access the console panel. This is done using different key combinations depending on your platform:

* PlayStation: R1 + R2 + L1 + L2
* Xbox: LB + LT + RB + RT
* PC: CTRL + Shift + C
* Mac: Command + Shift + C

Once the console panel is open, you need to enable cheats by entering the following command: `”testingcheats true”`

After entering this command, cheats will be activated.

Important Note for Console Users: While the following cheat codes are generally universal, some may not function on consoles due to hardware or software limitations.

Top Sims 4 Cheat Codes

Now that you know how to activate cheats, here are some of the most popular and useful Sims 4 cheat codes:

| Cheat | Cheat Code |
| —————————————- | —————————————– |
| Add 1,000 Simoleons | `rosebud` or `kaching` |
| Add 50,000 Simoleons | `motherlode` |
| Add a specific amount of money | `money [amount]` |
| Make all houses free | `freerealestate on` |
| Allow free object placement | `bb.moveobjects on` |
| Show hidden objects in build mode | `bb.showhiddenobjects` |
| Unlock build mode in restricted areas | `bb.enablefreebuild` |
| Allow full CAS editing on Sims | `cas.fulleditmode` |
| Maximize all Sims’ needs | `sims.fill_all_commodities` |
| Remove all moodlets from Sims | `sims.remove_all_buffs` |
| Reset a Sim | `resetSim [first name] [last name]` |
| Set a Sim’s age | `stats.set_age [desired age]` |
| Toggle death (Sims become immortal) | `death.toggle false` |
| Kill a Sim by hunger | `sims.add_buff buff_Death_Hunger` |
| Kill a Sim by electrocution warning | `sims.add_buff buff_Death_Electrocution_Warning` |
| Add a trait to a Sim | `traits.equip_trait [trait]` |
| Remove a trait from a Sim | `traits.remove_trait [trait]` |
| Add a career to a Sim | `careers.add_career [career]` |
| Remove a career from a Sim | `careers.remove_career [career]` |
| Promote a Sim in their career | `careers.promote [career]` |
| Demote a Sim in their career | `careers.demote [career]` |
| Set a Sim’s skill level | `stats.set_skill_level [skill] [1-10]` |
| Modify friendship level between Sims | `modifyrelationship [Sim 1] [Sim 2] [value] LTR_Friendship_Main` |
| Modify romance level between Sims | `modifyrelationship [Sim 1] [Sim 2] [value] LTR_Romance_Main` |
| Fill a Sim’s bladder need | `fillmotive motive_Bladder` |
| Fill a Sim’s hunger need | `fillmotive motive_Hunger` |
| Fill a Sim’s energy need | `fillmotive motive_Energy` |
| Fill a Sim’s fun need | `fillmotive motive_Fun` |
| Unlock career reward objects | `bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement` |
| Strike lightning | `weather.summon.lightning_strike` |
| Advance the game time | `clock.advance_game_time [hours]` |
| Create a new Sim | `sims.spawn` |
| Teleport a Sim to a location | `sims.gohere` |
| Hide headline effects (plumbobs, etc.) | `headlineeffects off` |
| Spawn a specific number of Sims | `sims.spawnsimple [number]` |
| Automatically pay bills | `households.autopay_bills` |
| Get a Sim’s ID | `sims.get_sim_id_by_name [first name] [last name]` |
| Set the number of babies a Sim will have | `pregnancy.force_offspring_count [SimID] [number]` |
| Set the pregnancy Trimester | `sims.add_buff_Pregnancy_Trimester[1-3]` |
| Make a Sim pregnant with triplets | `pregnancy.force_offspring_count [SimID] 3` |
| Make a Sim pregnant with twins | `pregnancy.force_offspring_count [SimID] 2` |
| Turn a Sim into a ghost temporarily | `sims.add_buff Ghostly` |
| Set the season to Summer | `season.set_season 0` |
| Set the season to Fall | `season.set_season 1` |
| Set the season to Winter | `season.set_season 2` |
| Set the season to Spring | `season.set_season 3` |

By using these cheat codes, you can customize your gameplay experience to your liking.

How to Disable Cheats

If you want to turn off cheats, you can use the command `”testingcheats false”` in the console. Alternatively, closing and restarting the game will also reset most cheats. However, remember that some cheats might be saved to your save files. It’s always a good idea to back up your save before using cheats, just in case.

You Might Also Like: [Sims 4 Money Cheat: A Detailed Guide](link to article)

That concludes our Sims 4 cheat guide! Be sure to follow us for more content like this, and join our community to share your own Sims 4 experiences!

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