Subnautica Cheat Codes: Your Ultimate Survival Guide
Dive into the depths of Subnautica with our comprehensive guide to cheat codes! Explore the underwater world with ease and overcome any challenge.
Subnautica throws you onto an ocean planet where survival and exploration are key. This guide provides you with all the cheat codes you need to make your journey a little easier.
How to Enter Subnautica Cheat Codes:
You’ll need to access the console command panel to use these cheats. Here’s how:
* PC: Press “Shift + Enter” simultaneously. The console will appear in the lower left corner.
* Xbox: Press “LB + RB + A” simultaneously. A console with an on-screen keyboard will appear.
* PlayStation: Press “L1 + R1 + X” simultaneously. A console with an on-screen keyboard will appear.
Now, let’s get to the good stuff: the cheat codes!
Subnautica Cheat Codes List:
These codes work on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation unless otherwise noted.
| Cheat Code | Description |
| ———————– | ———————————————————- |
| nocost | Build items without requiring materials. |
| fastbuild | Significantly speeds up the construction process. |
| unlockall | Unlocks all blueprints and crafting recipes. |
| oxygen | Provides unlimited oxygen. |
| invisible | Makes you invisible to creatures. |
| radiation | Toggles radiation on or off. |
| speed x | Adjusts your movement speed (replace x with a number). |
| day | Sets the time to day. |
| night | Sets the time to night. |
| daynightspeed x | Changes the speed of the day/night cycle (replace x). |
| weather on/off | Toggles weather effects on or off. |
| kill | Kills your character. |
| killall | Kills all creatures in the area. |
| clearinventory | Removes all items from your inventory. |
| spawn [item] [quantity] | Spawns the specified item with the given quantity. |
| spawn seamoth | Spawns a Seamoth. |
| spawn exosuit | Spawns a Prawn Suit. |
| spawn cyclops | Spawns a Cyclops submarine. |
| destroycyclops | Destroys all Cyclops submarines on the map. |
| seaglide | Spawns a Seaglide. |
| vehicleupgrades | Unlocks all vehicle upgrade modules. |
| cyclopsupgrades | Unlocks all Cyclops upgrade modules. |
| seamothupgrades | Unlocks all Seamoth upgrade modules. |
| exosuitupgrades | Unlocks all Prawn Suit upgrade modules. |
| warp [x] [y] [z] | Teleports you to the specified coordinates. |
| warpforward x | Teleports you forward x meters. |
| randomstart | Sets a random starting location. |
| resetgame | Resets the game to its initial state. |
| startsunbeamstoryevent | Triggers the Sunbeam story event. |
| sunbeamcountdownstart | Starts the Sunbeam countdown sequence. |
| countdownship | Starts the Aurora’s explosion countdown. |
| explodeship | Triggers the explosion of the Aurora. |
| fixleaks | Repairs radiation leaks in the Aurora. |
| cleardebris | Removes debris and wreckage. |
| spawnloot | Spawns random loot. |
| tools loot | Spawns more weapons |
| madloot | Spawns equipment and materials. |
| dig x | Digs the ground to the specified depth (replace x with depth).|
| resourcesfor x | Adds the resources needed to craft x to your inventory. |
| filterwater | Adds filtered water to your inventory. |
| cure | Cures your character of any diseases. |
| infect | Infects your character with a disease. |
| spawn reaperleviathan | Spawns a Reaper Leviathan. |
| sub escape pod | Spawns an Escape Pod. |
| damage x | Inflicts x amount of damage on your character. |
| instagib | Instant kills to everyone, even you. |
| unlockdoors | Unlocks most of the doors. |
| nosurvival | Disables hunger and thirst. |
| noenergy | Disables the need for energy in vehicles and equipment. |
| fog | Toggles fog effects on or off. |
| fps | Displays the game’s frame rate (FPS). |
| fly | Allows your character to fly. |
Do Subnautica Cheat Codes Disable Achievements?
Yes! Using cheat codes in a Subnautica session will disable achievements for that session. Cheat use is saved directly to the save file. It’s highly recommended to back up your save file or use a separate save for using cheats.
This Subnautica cheat code guide is your key to unlocking a new level of control and enjoyment in the game. Have fun exploring the depths! Stay tuned for more Subnautica guides and content!